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Fallout 76 Hidden art

The fallout series is one of my all time favourites from the old fallout 1 to tactics this immersive game has a lot to offer and unique messages through the world.

I have spent a lot of my free time modding and exploring the fallout games mainly New Vegas and Fallout 4 over the last few years. I recently started to play Fallout 76 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Fallout 76 has had a lot of bad press and I'm not talking Piper and synths here I mean full on passionate hate due to the game being released without much content.

However most of the problems have been addressed by Bethesda. I have come to love Fallout 76, it's world, cities, mutants, and yes even the players in the online version. One thing I like to spend time doing is finding little Hidden gems of art throughout Appalachia.

I am going to share some of the Art and pictures I enjoy from below mainly black and white photos and other kinds of quirky and fun images.

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