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Writer's pictureShea Hartley

Fallout 4 Mod Review NPCs Travel

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

Howdy there wastelanders! to days mod is NPCs (Non playable characters) travel. Ever felt Alone in the wastes? Well Fret No more you Skeever roasting raiders for another Great Mod is getting praised.

Fallout 4 has a lot of features the older games would have dreamed of. but that does not mean it is perfect and I feel NPCs travel is A essential mod to add intrigue and immersion I'll go into detail.

NPCs travel adds 300 Unique Npcs that travel the common wealth and DLCs providing the players with many unique experiences. some Hostile, some friendly. but it's always A gamble going out into the Blistering sun of Boston.

Now I'll list some key features that attracted me to this mod and that I hope you might enjoy. NPCs Travel destinations are determined randomly, Some travel destinations are unlocked by quest achievement or specific conditions, Settlements visit, and faction relations. One feature I adore is the faction based patrols that create immersive, and chaotic combat situations.

I'd like to thank win2009 for uploading this little Gem to the nexus Mod site.

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